One Window
PPIB is One Window facilitator for Power Sector Investors. It has success story of attracting 33 Billion USD FDI.
Private Power and Infrastructure Board (PPIB) was created in 1994 as a “One-Window Facilitator” on behalf of the Government of Pakistan (GoP) to promote private investments in power sector. In 2012 PPIB was made a statutory organization through Private Power and Infrastructure Board Act 2012 (Act VI of 2012). The role of PPIB had been further expanded by the GoP by allowing it to facilitate public sector power and related infrastructure projects in IPP mode, for which PPIB’s Act has been amended in November 2015. Further, to create synergy in Power Sector, AEDB with similar mandate has been merged into PPIB on 31-May-2023, which was notified through Gazette of Pakistan on 10-June-2023.
The basic ingredient of the Power Policy 1994 was the creation of Private Power & Infrastructure Board (PPIB) to act as a ‘One Window’ facilitator for the prospective investors in the power generation. In May-2023, PPIB mandated by Government of Pakistan (GoP) through “PPIB Amendment Act 2023” to deal with all power generation technologies. Main objectives for creation of PPIB were to create a body which would;
(As per PPIB (Amendment) Act, 2023)
(a) recommend and facilitate development of power policies, including for the utilization of alternative or renewable energy resources;
(b) consult the concerned Provincial Government, prior to taking a decision to construct or cause to be constructed a hydroelectric power station in any Province and to take decisions on matters pertaining to power projects set up by private sector or through public private partnership and other issues pertaining thereto;
(ba) develop national strategy, policies and plans for utilization of alternative and renewable energy resources to achieve the targets approved by the Federal Government in consultation with the Board;
(bb) act as a forum for evaluating proposals, monitoring of the projects and alternative and renewable energy products and to certify their vendors, installers and service providers;
(bc) create awareness and motivation of the need to set up alternative and renewable energy projects for benefit of general public as well as evaluating concepts and technologies from technical and financial perspective;
(bd) conduct feasibility studies and surveys to identify opportunities for power generation and other applications through conventional and alternative and renewable energy resources;
(be) make legislative proposals to enforce use and installation of equipment utilizing alternative and renewable energy;
(bf) setup alternative or renewable energy projects on its own or through joint venture or partnership with public or private entities in order to create awareness and motivation of the need to take such initiatives for the benefit of general public as well as by evaluating concepts and technologies from technical and financial perspectives;
(bg) interact and co-ordinate with international and national agencies for promotion and development of alternative or renewable energy;
(bh) assist in development and implementation of plans with concerned authorities and provincial governments and special areas for off-grid electrification;
(bi) to develop or cause to be developed electric power installations and infrastructure in accordance with the power policies and act as an independent auction administrator and perform other functions in the electric power market;
(bj) to act as a coordinating agency for commercial application of alternative or renewable technology;
( c ) coordinate with the Provincial Governments, local governments, Government of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJ and K) and regulatory bodies in implementation of the power policies, if so required;
(d) coordinate and facilitate the sponsors in obtaining consents and licenses from various agencies of the Federal Government, Provincial Governments, local governments and Government of AJ and K;
(e) work in close coordination with power sector entities and play its due role in implementing power projects in private Sector or through public private partnership or for public sector power projects, as per power system requirements;
(f) function as a one-stop organization on behalf of the Federal Government and its Ministries, Departments and agencies in relation to private power companies, sponsors, lenders and whenever necessary or appropriate, other interested persons;
(g) draft, negotiate and enter into security package documents or agreements and guarantee the contractual obligations of entities under the power policies;
(h) execute, administer and monitor contracts;
(i) prescribe and receive fees and charges for processing applications and deposit and disburse or utilize the same, if required;
(j) obtain from sponsors or private power companies, as the case may be, security instruments and encash or return them, as deemed appropriate;
(k) act as agent for development, facilitation and implementation of power policies and related infrastructure in the Gilgit-Baltistan areas and AJ and K;
(l) prescribe, receive, deposit, utilize or refund fees and charges, as deemed appropriate;
(m) open and operate bank accounts in local and foreign currencies as permissible under the laws of Pakistan;
(n) commence, conduct, continue and terminate litigation, arbitration or alternate dispute resolution mechanisms at whatever levels may be necessary or appropriate and hire and pay for the services of lawyers and other experts therefor;
(o) appoint technical, professional and other advisers, agents and consultants, including accountants, bankers, engineers, lawyers, valuers and other persons in accordance with section 11;
(p) hire professional and supporting staff and, from time to time, determine the emoluments and terms of their employment, provided always that at no stage shall such emoluments be reduced from such as are agreed in the contracts with such persons; and
(q) perform any other function or exercise any other power as may be incidental or consequential for the performance of any of its functions or the exercise of any of its powers or as may be entrusted by the Federal Government to meet the objects of this Act.
Federal Minister
Federal Secretary (Power Division)/Chairman PPIB
PPIB is One Window facilitator for Power Sector Investors. It has success story of attracting 33 Billion USD FDI.
Pakistan has huge Alternative & Renewable energy potential open for investors.
Utilization of Local Coal for Power Generation is paradise for investors.
PPIB has mandate to process Transmission Line Projects in Private/Public-Private mode.
Phone: (92-51)9264034-41
Fax: (92-51)9264030-31