Shahzad Anwar

Director General (Competitive Bidding)

Mr. Shahzad Anwar is an accomplished Electrical Engineer having advanced degrees in Project Management, Finance and Energy Management. He has diversified and extensive Project Development and Management experience spread over 27 years.

He has been associated with PPIB for the last 21 years, during which period he has made invaluable contributions towards IPPs development. Besides, he possesses extensive experience in power sector restructuring, regulatory framework and Renewable Energy Projects development.

He has actively been engaged in development and implementation of new initiative of power market development through CTBCM regime, being member of PPIB Market Implementation Group. He is also pursuing activities related to PPIB’s role as IAA and has been the focal person from PPIB for finalization and implementation of National Electricity Plan and the Power Acquisition Programme.

Mr. Shahzad has been leading the projects team in PPIB that has managed new IPPs development which are successfully adding electricity to the national grid. He also has the credit to represent PPIB at various forums including being member of Panels of Experts.

He possesses significant knowledge of policies, regulations, technologies and initiatives in Energy Sector. Having an outstanding academic record with various professional accomplishments, he possesses strong analytical skills. His areas of interests include planning, policy formulation, energy regulations & management, energy pricing & trading mechanism and contracts management of power generation projects.

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